
Worst Short Sale Lenders of the Year Awards

Each year I give out awards for the worst short sale lenders I have dealt with in the last twelve months.  Congratulations to our 2009 winners!


1.  PHH – Now Waiting 9 Months for Approval and Counting PHH Mortgage has had a VA Compromise Offer since February 2009 for a Niceville Florida short sale.  They were so lame as to do a VA appraisal back in July, then let that expire after six months because they were so slow, and had to order a new one.  The sale is still is not approved.

2. USAA will Wait for Short Sale Seller to Die to Go After Probate  This Niceville short sale story had a happy ending, but not until after USAA commented they would get their money even if they had to wait for the elderly owner to pass away to get the estate.

3.  Saxon Mortgage – Reduces Realtor fee if short sale does not close by approval deadline- for whatever reason- by a full percentage.

4.  Green Tree Servicing – Current on Your Mortgage? Short Sale Denied! This short sale servicer denied a Fort Walton Beach short sale because he was current with his payments. They said they would take the “hit” if the seller would take the “hit on his credit”.  The homeowner drained his entire savings to make payments after spouse was in a serious auto collision.

5. Finally, who else but BANK OF AMERICA, would makes the list – four times over!

Bank of America Approves Short Sale, But Won’t Finance Approved Amount  Here we find a lender who underappraises a Destin short sale condo for the buyer’s mortgage, but on the short sale end- refuses to accept its own appraisal and closes the file!  Head spinning yet?

Bank of America – Two Strikes and Buyer Walks As aforementioned transaction goes into round two- Bank of America flubs short sale demands by illiterate negotiator, and refuses to correct error.  Short sale denied.

Bank of America Now Wants Your Retirement Account  Bank of America is ever so bold now, not even your retirement savings is sacred.

Bank of America – Deficiency Threat Sends Shockwaves  The now-infamous Bank of America approval letter has probably caused many a frightened homeowner to pass on a short sale.

Now, that was my list of the TOP worst short sale lenders for 2009, who were yours?

It’s Wendy!

Wendy Rulnick, Broker, CRP, CRS, GRI, ABR     Rulnick Realty, Inc.

Destin FL Real Estate

Destin Short Sales & Pre Foreclosure Help.

Read Wendy’s Destin Real Estate Blog

www.ShortSaleSuperstars.com for Realtors- join us!

Call toll-free 1-877-ITS-WNDY (1-877-487-9639) or local 850-650-7883 ext 204

Email Wendy: itswendy@rulnickrealty.com

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