Freeze Warning – Take Precautions!

With freezing temperatures, ice and snow on its way to Destin, Florida, take precautions to protect your commercial property. Check the comprehensive list of items to pay attention to!
Thank you to B&C Fire Safety!
Please take this time to ensure that the following items around your buildings:
Exterior backflows
Dry systems
Wet systems
Drum drips and auxiliary drains
Main drains
All sprinkler components to be maintained at 40° or above. This includes riser rooms, pump rooms, exposed piping etc.
Inspectors test valves
Fire department connections
Post indicating valves
Fire hydrants and drainage
Pilot lines
Trim lines
Roof manifolds
Roof top equipment rooms
Trash chutes equipped with sprinklers supplied by automatic sprinkler systems or domestic supply
Exterior HVAC closets
Exterior storage closets
Please contact B&C Fire Safety office at (850) 862-7812